The Nexus Compendium

Ready for Adventure!

The Omegaswarm <Collection Update>

Sun's Out, Guns Out Answer the Call of Kel'Thuzad

The Omegaswarm

The Swarm is a pure and deadly force, and when it's infused with the every-changing energy of the Nexus, it takes on whole new and unexpected forms. Can you succeed in the Escape from Braxis, as the Omegaswarm assaults it?

  • Type: Collection Update
  • Date Added: 2017-08-08
  • Added with Patch: Yes
This Event:

Related Events / Item-Drops

Ties Into Realms


This is the complete list of Skins tied to this Event.
(T) denotes a specific Tint, where the base Skin was previously released.


Devil Dogs Goliath D.Va
Devil Dogs Goliath D.Va
Feral Swarm Abathur
Feral Swarm Abathur
Grendel Butcherlisk
Grendel Butcherlisk
L800 E.T.C.
L800 E.T.C.

Sargas Probius Prime
Sargas Probius Prime
Savage Pack Leader Dehaka
Savage Pack Leader Dehaka
Solarite Probius Prime
Solarite Probius Prime
Spectre Goliath D.Va
Spectre Goliath D.Va