Hi there! Welcome to the Nexus Compendium!
I have been super active with organizing lots of awesome information from the Nexus that isn't available anywhere else - or from old very dusty books, ugh!
I'm having lots of fun exploring the Nexus, and I have been itchin to share - are you in?! With the Compendium on your side, you can't lose! Anyway, I've found these awesome things:
- Li Li Stormstout, Nexus Compendium Adventurer
Currently in the Nexus <2025-01-20>
Visit the Currently in the Nexus page, to stay updated on the Current Event, Rotations and Heroic Deals.
Recent Compendium News:
Gnub |
Minor New Year Stuff - Posted on 2025-01-01
Happy New Year! A few additions, that was easy to get done in the wake of (somewhat) recent changes.
- Images added of Prototype Xenotech Abathur and Justice Mecha Tyrael added.
- Outdated references to HotSLogs removed.
Showing Items exclusiveness (and more Collection Sets) are still underway.
Gnub |
Hero Sale Price Fixes - Posted on 2024-12-18
I did my planning well, and the Hero Price listing is hereby properly listed.
- Special Hero discounts are now used if specified, otherwise the normal 50% discount is applied. This change is applied everywhere.
- Fixed a few return values in the API, which were Strings rather than Integers, for some reason.
Like mentioned yesterday, highlighting of Exclusiveness and more Collection Sets is on the way.
Gnub |
Collection Updates and More to Come - Posted on 2024-12-17
It seems I was wrong in my assumption that the previous Sale changes (October 14) had resulted in 0 Heroes, when I had - in fact - just missed Leoric being the only one on sale. His price is not a usual 50% discount, which will be fixed soon. Other stuff was added, though.
- Two, previously unused, Tints are now available: Prototype Xenotech Abathur and Justice Mecha Tyrael. Images will be added soon!
- Hunter Mecha Dehaka was correctly changed to a Gold-Gem Tint, which I missed back on May 21.
- Like the Ironside version earlier, the Goldenside Dire Wolf is now also changed from Promotional to Gold-Gem.
- Amber Nexus Charger changed from an Expired Promotion to Gold-Gem.
- Flames of Judgment Charger changed from being a Quest Reward to Gold-Gem.
Exclusiveness highlighting is on the way, alongside with the previously mentioned Hero Sale fix for Leoric. Oh yeah, and more Collection Sets!
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