Hi there! Welcome to the Nexus Compendium!
I have been super active with organizing lots of awesome information from the Nexus that isn't available anywhere else - or from old very dusty books, ugh!
I'm having lots of fun exploring the Nexus, and I have been itchin to share - are you in?! With the Compendium on your side, you can't lose! Anyway, I've found these awesome things:
- Li Li Stormstout, Nexus Compendium Adventurer
Currently in the Nexus <2025-02-16>
Visit the Currently in the Nexus page, to stay updated on the Current Event, Rotations and Heroic Deals.
Recent Compendium News:
 Gnub |
First Maskless Skins and More! - Posted on 2025-01-31
Honestly, this one came as a surprise. The first 2 (of the total 9) of Maskless variants of the Overwatch-themed Skins have been added, AROUND 4 YEARS after having first been spotted in the files. Hope we'll see the rest of them, eventually. A few other changes snuck in, too.
- Images added of Maskless Raynor 76 and Maskless Peacekeeper Johanna.
- Lunar Rooster and Golden Lunar Rooster have been updated to Gold-Gem, and are, as of January 27, available again.
- Thunder Guard Zarya found a new home in the Mystic Kingdoms Realm, thanks to the kind hint of Reddit user /u/KLAwaffles.
The work with items exclusiveness and more Collection Sets have been put on hold, as the returning Brawls have taken priority. Expect something on that in the coming days. They might not be shown right away, but I'm logging the data, to be shown retroactively.
 Gnub |
Minor New Year Stuff - Posted on 2025-01-01
Happy New Year! A few additions, that was easy to get done in the wake of (somewhat) recent changes.
- Images added of Prototype Xenotech Abathur and Justice Mecha Tyrael added.
- Outdated references to HotSLogs removed.
Showing Items exclusiveness (and more Collection Sets) are still underway.
 Gnub |
Hero Sale Price Fixes - Posted on 2024-12-18
I did my planning well, and the Hero Price listing is hereby properly listed.
- Special Hero discounts are now used if specified, otherwise the normal 50% discount is applied. This change is applied everywhere.
- Fixed a few return values in the API, which were Strings rather than Integers, for some reason.
Like mentioned yesterday, highlighting of Exclusiveness and more Collection Sets is on the way.
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