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Skin Tints are Normal, and always obtainable. |
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346 |
Skin Tints are Seasonal, and only obtainable during Seasonal Events.  |
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180 |
Skin Tints are part of a Collection Set, connecting to other Collection Items. |
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267 |
Skin Tints are Free for everyone, always available. |
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32 |
Skin Tints are Limited-Time Only, and only purchasable on rare occasions. |
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1 |
Skin Tint is Gems or Bundle Only, and only obtainable through means of purchasing Gems. |
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66 |
Skins were Previously Master Skins, being available for Gold after reaching Level 10. |
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7 |
Skins grants a Special Mount, only usable with the Skin. |
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1 |
Skin is available as an Announcer. |
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