← Sgt. Doomhammer
Sonya →
The battle has raged across War World III for years. No one remembers who fired the first shot, but Sgt. Bama the Hammer is fully confident she'll be the one firing the last.
This Skin has:
Additional Tints
This Skin has the following additional 3 Tints available:

Camo War World Sgt. Hammer
- Type: Normal
- Rarity: Epic
- Released: 2014-03-13
- Internal ID:

Tech War World Sgt. Hammer
- Type: Normal
- Rarity: Epic
- Released: 2014-03-13
- Internal ID:

Neon War World Sgt. Hammer
- Type: Normal
- Rarity: Epic
- Released: 2017-04-25
- Event: Heroes 2.0
- Internal ID:
- This Skin has not been a Limted-Time Item