The Nexus Compendium

Ready for Adventure!

Sgt. Hammer - Siege Tank Operator <Hero>

Samuro Sonya

Ranged Assassin
Available as Announcer
Sgt. Hammer

Sergeant Bama "the Hammer" Kowalski has served some of the toughest tours around the Koprulu sector. The roar of her siege tank's shock cannon strikes fear right into the heart of the toughest of warriors... including some of her allies.

A long-range, Physical Damage dealer that needs protection from allies.

This Hero has:


These are the Skins that represents alternate versions of the Hero across the Nexus.

Sgt. Hammer
Sgt. Hammer Free with the Purchase of Sgt. Hammer

Big Shot Sgt. Hammer
Big Shot Sgt. Hammer  Seasonal Fall

Master Sgt. Hammer
Master Sgt. Hammer

Sgt. Doomhammer
Sgt. Doomhammer

War World Sgt. Hammer
War World Sgt. Hammer


Useful websites, that gives detailed information about certain aspects of the Hero.

Heroes Patch Notes

Heroes Patch Notes - Sgt. Hammer Patch Notes

Icy Veins

Icy Veins - Sgt. Hammer Build Guide

Heroes Profile

Heroes Profile - Sgt. Hammer Talent Win Rates

Heroes Wiki

Heroes Wiki - Sgt. Hammer

Free-to-Play Rotations


Price Changes

Rotation Statistics
  • Number of times in rotation: 88
  • Number of those being All-Free: 7
  • Highest number of periods: 13
  • Lowest number of periods: 3
  • Average number of periods: 7
  • Next predicted rotation: 2025-02-15
    (an average of 7 periods - 14 periods delayed)
Sale Statistics
  • Number of times in sale: 15
  • Highest number of periods: 68
  • Lowest number of periods: 8
  • Average number of periods: 25
  • Next predicted sale: Unavailable
    (Unknown end of current sale)