The Nexus Compendium

Ready for Adventure!

Toy Train <CollectionMount>

Titanium Cybersteed Treads of Oblivion

Winter Event
Toy Train

Choo-choo! This toy train, featured in a popular board game, always has a can-do attitude! Except when it doesn’t. Click on your teammate’s train mount in a game for a fun surprise!

Allows allies to attach as carriages.

This Mount has:

Additional Tints

This Mount has the following additional 5 Tints available:

Blazing Toy Train
Blazing Toy Train
Cosmic Toy Train
Cosmic Toy Train
Grimrail Toy Train
Grimrail Toy Train
Royal Toy Train
Royal Toy Train
Speedy Toy Train
Speedy Toy Train

Limited-Time Periods

  • This Mount has not been a Limted-Time Item


  • This Mount has not been in any Sales