The Nexus Compendium

Ready for Adventure!

Gazlowe & Gallywix Presents <Realm>

Eternal Empire Hallow's End Celebrations

Gazlowe & Gallywix Presents

Everything can happen in the ring of Gazlowe & Gallywix's Splendiferous Extravaganza. Get ready for the greatest show you will ever see!

  • Type: Subuniverse - A splinter of a Universe's Realm.
  • Rooted in: Warcraft
This Subuniverse contains:


These are the Skins that are based upon this Subuniverse, reflecting both known and different versions of our Heroes.
Seasonal Spring Seasonal Summer Seasonal Fall Seasonal Winter denotes that the Skin is Seasonal, and only obtainable while an Event of the given type is ongoing.
(T) denotes that the Skin of the specific Tint is not tied to this Subuniverse.

Big Top Gazlowe
Big Top Gazlowe

Ringmaster Greymane
Ringmaster Greymane


These are the Mounts that are based in this Subuniverse.
Seasonal Spring Seasonal Summer Seasonal Fall Seasonal Winter denotes that the Mount is Seasonal, and only obtainable while an Event of the given type is ongoing.
(T) denotes that the Mount of the specific Tint is not tied to this Subuniverse.

Ringmaster's Pride
Ringmaster's Pride

Collection Sets

Combinations of Skins, Mounts and Banners that fit into this Subuniverse.