The Nexus Compendium

Ready for Adventure!

2017-08-29 - 2017-09-05 <Heroic Deals>

2017-08-22 2017-09-05

The following were on Sale and Featured from 2017-08-29 to 2017-09-05:

Heroes <Discounted>

The following Heroes had a 50% Discount, unless otherwise stated.


625 312 Gems
Li Li
Li Li

300 150 Gems

Skins <Featured>

The following Skin Tints were Featured, making them purchasable with Gems:

Dark Storm Lord Falstad
Dark Storm Lord Falstad

Snowy Adventurer Li Li
Snowy Adventurer Li Li

Shadowmoon Hellblade Samuro
Shadowmoon Hellblade Samuro

Ymirjar Leoric
Ymirjar Leoric

Medic Uther
Medic Uther

Covert Raider Rexxar
Covert Raider Rexxar

Mounts <Featured>

The following Mount Tints were Featured, making them purchasable with Gems:

Space Lord's Starbreaker
Space Lord's Starbreaker

Turquoise Cloud Serpent
Turquoise Cloud Serpent

Mounts <Gold>

The following Mount Tints were available with Gold:

Golden Treasure Goblin
Golden Treasure Goblin

10000 Gold
Added: 2017-06-13 -
Removed: 2017-09-26


The Collection used to update every week on Tuesday, at approximately 14 PDT / 23 CEST - and earlier if there was a content patch!


Forums - Weekly Collection Update - EU