The Nexus Compendium

Ready for Adventure!

2018-05-08 - 2018-05-15 <Heroic Deals>

2018-05-01 2018-05-15

The following were on Sale and Featured from 2018-05-08 to 2018-05-15:

Heroes <Discounted>

The following Heroes had a 50% Discount, unless otherwise stated.


500 250 Gems

750 375 Gems

750 375 Gems

Skins <Featured>

The following Skin Tints were Featured, making them purchasable with Gems:

Bloodsail Pirate Queen Cassia
Bloodsail Pirate Queen Cassia

Camo Prisoner Tychus
Camo Prisoner Tychus

Desert Warbringer Zul'jin
Desert Warbringer Zul'jin

Iron Butcher
Iron Butcher

Cobalt Stormbot Kael'thas
Cobalt Stormbot Kael'thas

Midnight Love Goddess Tyrande
Midnight Love Goddess Tyrande

Kinoko Hanzo
Kinoko Hanzo

Restored Cyberdemon Zarya
Restored Cyberdemon Zarya

Exiled Zerg Hunter Zeratul
Exiled Zerg Hunter Zeratul

Frozen Mad Axe Garrosh
Frozen Mad Axe Garrosh

Mounts <Featured>

The following Mount Tints were Featured, making them purchasable with Gems:

Saddled Horse
Saddled Horse

Illidan's Nightmare
Illidan's Nightmare

Platinum Tyrael's Charger
Platinum Tyrael's Charger

Mounts <Gold>

The following Mount Tints were available with Gold:

Diablo's Doubloon
Diablo's Doubloon

7000 Gold
Added: Start of Sale -
Removed: 2018-05-29
Orange Treasure Goblin
Orange Treasure Goblin

7000 Gold
Added: 2018-04-17 -
Removed: Start of Sale

Heroes <Price Changes>

The following Heroes had their prices changed. Click here for a complete list.

  • 15000 10000 Gold
  • 750 Gems (unchanged)


The Collection used to update every week on Tuesday, at approximately 14 PDT / 23 CEST - and earlier if there was a content patch!


Forums - Heroic Deals - EU (Old)