The Nexus Compendium

Ready for Adventure!

2018-09-04 - 2018-09-11 <Heroic Deals>

2018-08-28 2018-09-11

The following were on Sale and Featured from 2018-09-04 to 2018-09-11:

Heroes <Discounted>

The following Heroes had a 50% Discount, unless otherwise stated.


750 375 Gems

500 250 Gems

Skins <Featured>

The following Skin Tints were Featured, making them purchasable with Gems:

Lil' Ragnaros
Lil' Ragnaros

Harlequin Nazeebo
Harlequin Nazeebo

Cataclysmic Dark Nexus Gul'dan
Cataclysmic Dark Nexus Gul'dan

Saronite Crypt Queen Zagara
Saronite Crypt Queen Zagara

Mahogany Blood Elf Tyrande
Mahogany Blood Elf Tyrande

Maraudin' Muradin
Maraudin' Muradin

Shadow Sgt. Doomhammer
Shadow Sgt. Doomhammer

Mounts <Featured>

The following Mount Tints were Featured, making them purchasable with Gems:

Lucky Rainbow Unicorn
Lucky Rainbow Unicorn

Leather Armored War Steed
Leather Armored War Steed

Mounts <Gold>

The following Mount Tints were available with Gold:

Epic Crimson Chaos Wolf
Epic Crimson Chaos Wolf

10000 Gold
Added: 2018-08-21 -
Removed: 2018-09-25

Heroes <Price Changes>

The following Heroes had their prices changed. Click here for a complete list.

  • 10000 7000 Gold
  • 750 625 Gems


The Collection used to update every week on Tuesday, at approximately 14 PDT / 23 CEST - and earlier if there was a content patch!


Forums - Heroic Deals - EU (Old)