Malthael's Bargain <Event>
← 2nd Anniversary
Sun's Out, Guns Out →
In celebration of Malthael’s entrance to the Nexus, an accord was struck with the Aspect of Death himself. Agree to his bargain, complete his task, and reap… rewards!
- Type: Normal
- Loot Chests: Normal Chests
- Dates: 2017-06-13 to 2017-06-27 - 2 weeks
- Added with Patch: Yes
This Event:
Related Events / Item-Drops
Ties Into Realms
These Heroes were introduced in this Event.
This is the complete list of Skins tied to this Event.
(T) denotes a specific Tint, where the base Skin was previously released.
This is the complete list of Mounts tied to this Event.
(T) denotes a specific Tint, where the base Mount was previously released.
Loot Chests
Loot Chests are an integral part to obtaining loot. Sometimes - mostly for Seasonal Events - these share the theme with the Event!