The Nexus Compendium

Ready for Adventure!

RCHS Reunion <Collection Update>

BlizzCon 2018 It's Time for Toys!

RCHS Reunion

After having been BFFs during their time at Raven Court High School, Orphea, Li-Ming and Kerrigan figured it was time for a reunion. Not everyone was pleased with that decision, as it was held at the RCHS.

  • Type: Collection Update
  • Date Added: 2018-11-13 and 2018-11-27 - 2 weeks
  • Added with Patch: Yes
This Event:

Related Events / Item-Drops

  • This Event has no connections to other Events

Ties Into Realms


This is the complete list of Skins tied to this Event.
(T) denotes a specific Tint, where the base Skin was previously released.

Janitor Leoric
Janitor Leoric

RCHS Cheerleader Kerrigan
RCHS Cheerleader Kerrigan
RCHS Striker Li-Ming
RCHS Striker Li-Ming
Slacker Orphea
Slacker Orphea


This is the complete list of Mounts tied to this Event.
(T) denotes a specific Tint, where the base Mount was previously released.

Soap Bar
Soap Bar