The Nexus Compendium

Ready for Adventure!

2018-11-06 - 2018-11-13 <Heroic Deals>

2018-10-30 2018-11-13

The following were on Sale and Featured from 2018-11-06 to 2018-11-13:

Heroes <Discounted>

The following Heroes had a 50% Discount, unless otherwise stated.


500 250 Gems

625 312 Gems

300 150 Gems

Skins <Featured>

The following Skin Tints were Featured, making them purchasable with Gems:

Drek'Thar Rehgar
Drek'Thar Rehgar

Amethyst Knight Owl Medivh
Amethyst Knight Owl Medivh

Demonic Auriel
Demonic Auriel

Neon Cyb'arak Anub'arak
Neon Cyb'arak Anub'arak

Horde L800 E.T.C.
Horde L800 E.T.C.

Tal'darim Zerg Hunter Zeratul
Tal'darim Zerg Hunter Zeratul

Dark Angelic Valla
Dark Angelic Valla

Mounts <Featured>

The following Mount Tints were Featured, making them purchasable with Gems:

Raging War Wolf
Raging War Wolf

Mounts <Gold>

The following Mount Tints were available with Gold:

Wonder William
Wonder William

12000 Gold
Added: 2018-10-30 -
Removed: 2019-01-01


The Collection used to update every week on Tuesday, at approximately 14 PDT / 23 CEST - and earlier if there was a content patch!


Forums - Heroic Deals - EU