The Nexus Compendium

Ready for Adventure!

2018-10-09 - 2018-10-16 <Heroic Deals>

2018-10-02 2018-10-16

The following were on Sale and Featured from 2018-10-09 to 2018-10-16:

Heroes <Discounted>

The following Heroes had a 50% Discount, unless otherwise stated.


750 375 Gems

625 312 Gems

750 375 Gems

Skins <Featured>

The following Skin Tints were Featured, making them purchasable with Gems:

Ruinwalker Fenix
Ruinwalker Fenix
  Gems Only
(Skin Pack)
Bronze Tiger Kharazim
Bronze Tiger Kharazim

Classic Bone Visage Xul
Classic Bone Visage Xul

Commandant Varian
Commandant Varian

Vengeful Shadowblade Li Li
Vengeful Shadowblade Li Li

Mounts <Featured>

The following Mount Tints were Featured, making them purchasable with Gems:

Butcher's Beast
Butcher's Beast

Ancient Demonic Hellsteed
Ancient Demonic Hellsteed

Mounts <Gold>

The following Mount Tints were available with Gold:

Copper Piggy Bank
Copper Piggy Bank

8000 Gold
Added: 2018-09-25 -
Removed: 2018-10-30


The Collection used to update every week on Tuesday, at approximately 14 PDT / 23 CEST - and earlier if there was a content patch!


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