The Nexus Compendium

Ready for Adventure!

Thrall - Warchief of the Horde <Hero>

The Lost Vikings Tracer


As a child, Thrall served the cruel Aedelas Blackmoore as a slave. After gaining his freedom, he guided the liberated orcs to a land of their own and worked to recover their ancient traditions. Now and forever he is the Warchief of the Horde.

A Bruiser who can hold his own in a lane of battle.

This Hero has:


These are the Skins that represents alternate versions of the Hero across the Nexus.

Thrall Free with the Purchase of Thrall

Earthbreaker Thrall
Earthbreaker Thrall

Hellhammer Thrall
Hellhammer Thrall

World-Shaman Thrall
World-Shaman Thrall


Useful websites, that gives detailed information about certain aspects of the Hero.

Heroes Patch Notes

Heroes Patch Notes - Thrall Patch Notes

Icy Veins

Icy Veins - Thrall Build Guide

Heroes Profile

Heroes Profile - Thrall Talent Win Rates

Heroes Wiki

Heroes Wiki - Thrall

Free-to-Play Rotations


Price Changes

Rotation Statistics
  • Number of times in rotation: 156
  • Number of those being All-Free: 6
  • Part of the Fixed Rotation Period every 3 periods
  • Next predicted rotation: 2025-02-01
    (fixed rotation every 3 periods)
Sale Statistics
  • Number of times in sale: 11
  • Highest number of periods: 81
  • Lowest number of periods: 9
  • Average number of periods: 27
  • Next predicted sale: Unavailable
    (Unknown end of current sale)